Title: Pretty Little Liars
Series 1-8
Author: Sara Shepard
Hardcover, 286 pages
Published October 2006
Three years ago, Alison disappeared after a slumber party, not to be seen since. Her friends at the elite Pennsylvania school mourned her, but they also breathed secret sighs of relief. Each of them guarded a secret that only Alison had known. Now they have other dirty little secrets, secrets that could sink them in their gossip-hungry world. When each of them begins receiving anonymous emails and text messages, panic, sets in. Are they being betrayed by some one in their circle? Worse yet: Is Alison back? A strong launch for a suspenseful series.
I first learned about Pretty Little Liars on TV, when I was browsing through various channels and then I saw Toby Cavanaugh and Teacher Ezra Fitz on one episode. They were rather cute! A week had passed and my colleague, Anneth, told me that her superfriend had been asking her to watch PLL and she asked me if I knew about the series. Honestly, I've only watched 1 episode but it intrigued me.
Together, we Googled more about PLL and I learned that it was based on a book by Sara Shepard. Being a bookworm that I am, I immediately tried finding copies of PLL and its other 7 books on the Internet and happened to find a site for E-books. I was so thrilled when it had 8 books and so I downloaded them.
And then my addiction to Hannah, Spencer, Emily & Aria had begun. Intriguing plot - 5 friends, the queen bee went missing and then got murdered, suddenly her other 4 friends began receiving anonymous texts, emails and letters from A.. and their lives were never the same again.
I was just dead-tired when I've finally finished reading the eight books. 8! mygosh.. The Liars have come a long way.. It's only on Book 8 that I discovered who the real A is.. and who the real murderer was. Although I didn't expect the twist, I was a little bit disappointed with the outcome.
Anyway, my rating for Pretty Little Liars and the rest of the books - collectively - 3 bookmarks!