Thursday, February 17, 2011

TST: Mockingjay

Third Sentence Thursday is a weekly meme for charging into the promote a third sentence fray!

Hosted by Sniffy Kitty's Mostly Books.. Here are her rules for the 3rd sentence review: 

1) Take the book you are reading now and post the third sentence

2) Review this sentence anyway you want (funny and silly reviews encouraged)

3) Post a link to your sentence here or if you don't have a blog, just post it in the comments!

For this week, here's my third sentence from the third book of Hunger Games trilogy, MOCKINGJAY:
Over there was the kitchen table.

kinda senseless sentence, huh! The protagonist, Katniss, was actually describing her home, initially stating the room where she shares a bed witth her sister Prim; thus noting where there kitchen table happened to be.

Hopefully, next time, I'll be able to scrap a sentence with sense next week :) And that's my share for this week.. Have fun!

1 comment:

Sniffly Kitty said...

OOh I remember that scene ^.^ I hope you enjoy Mockingjay!

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